Monday, 5 December 2011

December ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Words

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 100th in its monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate.

All ICUU-affiliated groups have been asked to submit brief chalice lightings for the project. Every month, a reading will be distributed to Unitarian and Universalist congregations around the world.

We ask each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it.

Readings will be circulated in English and, where different, in their original language.

It is hoped that the ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Project will enhance the worship experience in our congregations and raise awareness of the international dimensions of our religious movement.

This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted by Unitarian Union of North East India. This reading is to be used during December 2011:

We kindle the chalice flame, symbol of our gathered community, across faiths, across cultures, beyond borders.

May it lead us from the shadows into the light, from ignorance to wisdom, from untruth to truth, from exclusiveness to inclusiveness, from mortality to immortality.

May the flame be a symbol of warmth, kinship, wisdom, truth and liberty.


Rev Derrick Pariat

President, Unitarian Union of North East India

Friday, 25 November 2011


We are delighted to announce that 70 people, comprising Unitarian Universalists and Unitarians from 22 countries, have now registered for the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference take place in February in the Philippines.

There are just five more days to register. Details and registration link at:

After November 30, we are unlikely to be able to accept further registrations except in emergency circumstances.

We are filling the entire South Sea Resort Hotel and even now there are just a few rooms left.

If you or anyone you know have been thinking about coming but has not yet done so, please urge them to register now, ttoday, certainly before November 30.

The ICUU meetings in the Philippines certainly now will make history and we would not want to turn anyone away due running out of room at the inn.

Do email meat if you have any questions or need assistance.

Best Wishes,



Rev Steve Dick

Executive Secretary,

International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU)


Phone: +44 20 84072866

Skype: stephenwd


Twitter: ICUUinfo

Monday, 31 October 2011

Global Chalice Lighting Words for November 2011

Below is the 99th in the monthly series of Global Chalice Lightings from the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, for use during November 2011. It is submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association. Please see that this Global Chalice Lighting is translated, if necessary, and distributed as widely as possible within your group.

In faith,


Lorella Thomas Hess
editor, The Global Chalice
ICUU newsletter

May this flame remind us of our own inward light, the centre of our being,

that connects us to all Being and gives us strength and comfort in a

troubled world.

Jan Tendys

Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association

Register for ICUU Conference by Tomorrow to Avoid Extra Fee

Dear Friends,

Be sure to register by tomorrow (1 November) for the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference in the Philippines in February to avoid the $50 registration fee.

The Conference brochure can be found at

You can register online at

We have just added an outing to a beautiful nearby National Park and the closing ceremony will now be hosted in the park next to the Town Hall and open to the public.

Here are the latest program details:

1. Right relations within a multi-cultural context: once we have met one another, what is required for sustained harmonious relations between us in an international community? How do we learn to honorably respect and reconcile our cultural and theological differences? What specific steps might we begin to practice regularly in pursuit of these aims?

2. Social justice in a global religious context: what are the most pressing social justice issues each member group faces in our own local, national, or regional settings? What do we have in common in facing some of these challenges? What are the theological foundations for undertaking this work (especially in a theologically diverse movement?) How shall we begin to develop ways to collaborate in our social justice efforts, for the sake of making our efforts more effective?

3. The international UU community as a whole – a movement to be recognized, represented and heard? Represented within the United Nations, for example, or within international interfaith organizations? Are there ways we can present a unified voice in order to bring our values more visibly into a wider world?


The ICUU Council Meeting and Conference in Dumagete City, the Philippines, marks the first meeting of this fully international gathering of U-U’s outside of Europe and North America. In addition to addressing the business of the Council, including setting program priorities, electing officers and approving a budget, delegates and participants will work together to strengthen our sense of common purpose and our capacity to work effectively together. In presentations, workshops and small groups we will address three broad themes: Right Relations in a Multi-Cultural Context (how to work most effectively with both our similarities and our differences), Social Justice in A Global Religious Context (how to collaborate on justice issues across borders and theologies), and TheWiderWorld (the U-U movement as a unified voice.)

Main Speakers
Keynote presentations will be offered by several outstanding leaders and thinkers:

Rev. Dr. Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro - Executive Director of Justice and Peace Center. at the Divinity School at Silliman University in Dumaguete City, will approach our program themes from a local perspective.

Dr, Bruce Knotts – Director of the UU United Nations Office will consider the possibilities of representing the global U-U network at the United Nations

Rev. Dr. Paul Rasor – Theologian, professor and author, will articulate the theological foundations and possibilities for our shared endeavors.

Workshops and Discussion Groups are expected to include:
Social Justice work in member groups, and possibilities for collaboration
Ministerial Education and Training
Sharing the work of the UU United Nations Office
Connecting ICUU women’s groups
Immigration in a global context
Crisis Response Ministries
New approaches to supporting emerging groups and congregations
Something basic for newest emerging groups
Music in Kenyan worship (or more about African worship styles in general)
Dance Meditations
Sharing Songs (for a workbook?)
Chalice Circles”

Join us for this sure to be memorable event!


Rev Steve Dick

Executive Secretary,

International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU)


Phone: +44 20 84072866

Skype: stephenwd


Twitter: ICUUinfo

Support ICUU and its work by sending a US dollar check to
ICUU Treasurer David Shaw, Meadow Hey, Adlington Lane, Grindleford,
Hope Valley, S32 2HT, United Kingdom
or donate online to PayPal account

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Global Chalice Lighting Words October 2011

Dear friends,

Here is the 98th in the monthly series of Global Chalice Lightings from the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, for use during October 2011.

It is submitted in Czech and English by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians. Please see that this Global Chalice Lighting is translated, if necessary, and distributed as widely as possible within your group.

In faith,


Lorella Thomas Hess
editor, The Global Chalice
ICUU newsletter

Scházíme se v tomto místě, které je pro tuto chvíli naším duchovním domovem. Je to místo nás všech, pro každého z nás. Jsme lidé různého původu, s různými životními příběhy; každý z nás je originálem. Jdeme mnoha různými cestami.

Zatímco cesta každého z nás je odlišná, máme společný cíl: prohlubovat naše spojení s Duchem Života; činit duchovní dílo v našich srdcích; a vztahovat se k druhým.

Zapalme tento kalich, abychom posílili své uvědomění pospolitosti. Toto je skutečně jedno místo, mnoho cest; mnoho cest, jeden cíl. Nechť světlo tohoto kalicha nám tuto pravdu připomíná.

We gather in this place which is our spiritual home at this hour. It is one place for us all. We are people of different origins, with different life stories; each of us is unique. We walk on many diverse paths.

While the path of each of us is quite different, we have a common goal: to deeper our connection with the Spirit of Life; to do the spiritual work in our hearts; and to reach out to the others.

Let us light the chalice to strengthen our awareness of togetherness. This is truly one place, many paths; many paths, one goal. May the light of this chalice remind us of that.

Petr Samojsky

Religious Society of Czech Unitarians (

Friday, 9 September 2011


ICUU is seeking chalice lighting words to be considered for publication in the GLOBAL CHALICE LIGHTING WORDS series.

Submissions should be original or adapted words designed for use when lighting a chalice in the context of worship.

The author must be a member of an ICUU Member Group or of an Emerging Group recognized by ICUU.

Submission in a local language in addition to English is welcomed, particularly when English is not the native language.

Please note it is not possible to promise that submitted words can be used in a particular month or that any submission will be included in the series. A number of factors are considered when considered which words will be selected and when they will be used.

Submissions can be sent to ICUU GLOBAL CHALICE LIGHTING WORDS Coordinator Lorella Hess at

We look forward to receiving GLOBAL CHALICE LIGHTING WORDS from around the world and thank you for your assistance.