Friday 4 June 2010

Global Chalice Lighting for June 2010

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 82nd in its monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate.

All ICUU-affiliated groups have been asked to submit brief chalice lightings for the project. Every month, a reading will be distributed to Unitarian and Universalist congregations around the world. We ask each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. Readings will be circulated in English and, where different, in their original language.

It is hoped that the ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Project will enhance the worship experience in our congregations and raise awareness of the international dimensions of our religious movement.

This Global Chalice Lighting is to be used during June 2010:

We light our chalice in celebration of the life of Norbert Fabián Čapek, deeply religious figure endowed with unusual courage, pioneer of Czech Unitarianism and martyr for what we value, embodying the best of our faith in the worst of times.

Born one hundred forty years ago this month, his spirit is still among religious liberals the world over when we re-create his creation the flower communion.

May the rekindled flame of our chalice, rekindle our appreciation of all the women and men whose dedication to their personal visions paved the path on which we walk together on our own spiritual journeys.

Composed by Rev. Steve Dick
ICUU Executive Secretary

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