Dear friends,
Here is the 116th in ICUU’s monthly series of global chalice lighting
readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each
congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the
designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that
month and naming the group which submitted it. Readings will be circulated in
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and, where different, in their
original language. This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted by the Indian
Council of Unitarian Churches for April 2013.
U Blei u dei u tynrai jong ki jingtip baroh. Ai ba ka
jingnang jingstad kan weng noh ia ka jingdum bad ai ba ngin sngewthuh ba ka
jingnang jingstad ka dei ka spah ba hapoh u briew, kaba lah ban pynioh ia u ia
ki jingjop bashabar jong u.Da kaba thang ia ka sharak ai ba ngin pyndem ialade
ha ka jingnang jingstad kum ka spah bakhraw tam. Ka jingnang jingstad ka
kyrshan ia ki kam jongngi, la ki babha lane ki basniew. Namarkata, ngi thang ia
kane ka sharak kum ka jingsakhi ia ki jingmut jingpyrkhat bad ki kam ki
jongngi. Ka ding ha ka sharak ka meh shalor; ha kajuh ka rukom, ngi dei ban
pdiang ia ka jaid jingstad ka ban kyntiew ia ki jingthrang jingangnud jongngi
shajrong. Haba kynthah da ka jingstad ba kynja mynsiem,baroh ki jingling
basniew jongngi ki briew ki ing noh suki suki, bad ka malade ruh ka jah noh. Ka
jingnang jingstad kam duna haba ngi iasam ia ka bad kiwei pat; ha ka
jingshisha, ka pynmyntoi ia baroh ar—ia u nongsam bad ia u nongiohpdiang.
God is the Knowledge Principle. May knowledge remove
ignorance and may we realize that knowledge is a lasting inner wealth by which
all outer achievements can be accomplished. By lighting the chalice may we bow
down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth.
Dieu est le principe suprême de la connaissance. Que
celle-ci ôte l’ignorance et puissions-nous comprendre qu’elle est une richesse
intérieure durable grâce à laquelle nous pouvons mieux accomplir nos projets.
En allumant notre calice, puissions nous voir en elle cette connaissance comme
la plus grande de toutes les richesses. Elle inspire nos actions, que celles-ci
s’avèrent bonnes ou mauvaises.
Gott ist das Prinzip der Erkenntnis. Möge Erkenntnis
Unwissenheit ablösen und mögen wir verstehen,dass Erkenntnis ein dauerhafter
innerer Reichtum ist, durch den alle äußeren Ziele erreicht werden können.
Durch das Entzünden des Flammenkelchs verneigen wir uns vor der Erkenntnis als
der bedeutendsten Form von Reichtum.
Dio è il principio della conoscenza. Possa la conoscenza
rimuovere l'ignoranza e possiammo noi renderci conto che la conoscenza è una
ricchezza duratura interiore, attraverso la quale tutti i successi esterni
possono essere realizzati. Accendendo il calice possiamo inchinarci alla conoscenza
come la più grande di tutte le forme di ricchezza.
Dios es el Principio del Conocimiento. Que el conocimiento
elimine la ignorancia y que nos demos cuenta de que el conocimiento es una
riqueza interna perdurable por la cual son posibles todos los logros
externos. Que al encender el cáliz nos
inclinemos ante el conocimiento como la forma superior de la riqueza.